The most interesting people in pets: Shannon Ross, CEO of Springer

The most interesting people in pets: Shannon Ross, CEO of Springer
Ali Rose Datukon
9 Sep

Shannon Ross is the CEO and Founder of Springer. Springer is a women-owned family business led by a dynamic mother-daughter duo and the dogs who love them. Committed to elevating the standards of form and function, we unite dogs and their favorite humans to revel in their dog's favorite playground — Mother Earth.

What is your favorite part of working for a pet brand or in the pet space?

"The snuggles mostly. Trade shows are my jam because I get to see sooooo many cute dogs. Dogs are truly one of the best parts of life, and just being in this industry makes every day more fun and light hearted."

Do you have pets? Tell us about them! What do you like to do together?

"Yes, I have a goldendoodle named Rishi. He truly thinks he is a human, acts like a mayor/presidential candidate whenever he walks in a room, is mostly a huge sweetheart but also has a feisty side (aka kind of a brat). He thrives in chaos, enjoys long walks on the beach, and his tongue doesn't fit in his mouth. He is scared of traffic cones and objects that appear to be out of place. We are so lucky to go to the beach or the river every day after work- it’s truly so good for both of us. We also both enjoy going to coffee shops (me for the matcha and rishi for the pets)."

What have you learned most in your current role in the pet space?

"Wow so much. This industry is newer compared to others, so sometimes it does feel like you’re in the wild west. But this industry is filled with so many amazing people, all trying to navigate it. The best thing I’ve learned is to help one another. There is enough room for everyone is this growing industry. It’s an amazing feeling to talk to someone going through similar things. It builds a sense of community that really is important when you’re navigating a space/role that can otherwise feel lonely."

What's your advice to others who wants to get into the same line of work as you?

"The most important part of being an entrepreneur is to just not give up. At some point things will go wrong, I can pretty much guarantee it. There are truly a million different ways you can succeed, there is not one right path. It’s not so much about the right step to getting there, and more about being open to failure and not letting it deter you. Successful entrepreneurs take failures as feedback, iterate, and kept trying until they get it right."

Anything else you'd like to share?

"Starting a company is truly one of the hardest, but also the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. I’ve learned so much and grown on a personal level that I could have never imagined. It’s led me to so many amazing people and places. I am truly so so grateful."

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