The most interesting people in pets: Colleen Wilson, CEO of Pets on Q

The most interesting people in pets: Colleen Wilson, CEO of Pets on Q
Ali Rose Datukon
9 Sep

Colleen Wilson is the CEO of Pets on Q a licensed, bonded and insured animal agency and The Animal List, a marketplace for hiring animal influencers. Let's get to know her!

What is your favorite part of working for a pet brand or in the pet space?

"Working with amazing and talented animals that love working!"

Do you have pets? Tell us about them! What do you like to do together?

"Yes, I have a dalmatian who is completely deaf. He is now 11 and we have used sign language to communicate. He has done movies, music videos, tv shows, print ads and influencer campaigns. He's a sweet boy that loves walks/ running around burning the YA YAs  on the beach."

What have you learned most in your current role in the pet space?

"That this industry sucks you in. Once you work in pet you are stuck :) I've wanted to improve the industry for working animals and we've made such an impact already, I am excited to continue learning new things in the industry and keep making it better for animals."

What's your advice to others who wants to get into the same line of work as you?

"Well we work with animal actors and influencer primarily so advise varys for both sides. Influencers - be authentic, post consistently and have fun with your animals. For animal actors/ wranglers wanting to work in production - focus on your craft and learn how to get the animals that want to do it and will enjoy doing it."

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