Questions to ask before heading out in public with your pup

Questions to ask before heading out in public with your pup
Haley Young
29 Apr

My husband and I love bringing our dog with us when we grab a coffee, dine outside, or browse shops that let her tag along — and it seems that everywhere we go we find new pet-friendly spots. (Thank you, millennials, for making dogs such a big part of our lives that businesses take note.)

It's not always a great idea to take our blue heeler, though. Here are some questions we ask ourselves — that you can start asking too! — to help decide if it's a good opportunity for an outing or if your pup would be better off staying behind this time around.

What will this environment be like?

We don't have to know everything, but a general idea can help us plan accordingly!

Tight, high-class restaurant patios probably aren't great for dogs still in training, for example — but casual counter service spots or outdoor malls at off hours can be a great bridge to more challenging situations. If your pup struggles with reactivity, you might want to avoid busy places at first.

What are your expectations for your pup on this outing?

How do you want your dog to act? Different environments can lead to different answers! You might want your pup to hold a tight down stay if you're at a really crowded patio, for example, but be fine with them roaming around underneath your table at a wide open brewery or less busy park.

Will you be able to be respectful to fellow visitors?

Your expectations for your dog should factor in how you'll be kind to other patrons. We're all dog lovers here! But it's important to remember that not everyone else feels the same way — and it might not be appropriate for your dog to run up to others, jump on servers, bark, whine, or otherwise cause a disturbance. We want to give dogs a good name so these spaces stay pet friendly!

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Have you set your dog up for success to meet your expectations?

Make sure you've prepared some skills ahead of time and practiced in different environments so your expectations of your pup are fair. If you want your dog to be calm at a busy restaurant, for example, they should first be able to be calm in your house, then maybe somewhere like a quiet public park, and finally a counter-service spot — all steps to gradually increase the difficulty.

What will you do if something doesn't go as planned?

Do you know how you'll react if there's a mishap? You know what they say about the best laid plans! Do you have a backup idea in mind in case your chosen coffee shop or park is too busy, or if your dog gets too antsy?

There's no need to over stress — but it's good to think about at least a little. This way you'll be more flexible (and ultimately able to have more fun with your best friend).

Will your pup have a good time?

Not every dog loves lounging around in public. And that's okay! We've put together an article on how to tell if your pup will enjoy a certain outing — you can take a look here.

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